Responsible producer

In 2023, our efforts to ensure that chromium production is responsible and sustainable have been once again recognized by the International Chromium Development Association ‘Responsible Chromium’ Label, which proves that Kazchrome has gone above and beyond the standard requirement needed to responsibly source chromium.

The label was achieved following an evaluation by the independent CSR agency Ecovadis. Kazchrome earned 69 points and was among the top 10% of ferrous metallurgy enterprises assessed by EcoVadis.

This demonstrates our adherence to values including following safe processes and best practices, the ethical treatment of people and communities, abolishing child labour and modern slavery, the mitigation of environmental impact and the fight against corruption.

The Group's responsible chrome production is confirmed by the key projects implemented by the company. One of the most recent is the commissioning of a sludge treatment plant. This facility is one of the world’s most advanced in terms of technology and automation, reducing the environmental impact of tailings.

Other projects also includeconstructing a ferroalloy gas recycling power plant,recycling waste in our production activities including through briquetting gas purification dusts, and processing slags and sludge into more than 20 types of commercial products through ERG Recycling as part of our overall efforts to advance a circular economy.